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Overcoming Challenges to Impactful Research

Time and access to resources are key challenges for faculty research. Thinking beyond traditional approaches can help circumvent these barriers.

Ankush Test
Ankush TestWeb Developer  

2 min read|Jul 31, 2024|6 views

The incentive structures in business schools often prioritize top-tier journal publications over collaborative, impactful research. Engaging with stakeholders can be difficult for faculty to balance with other academic responsibilities, but these collaborations are critical for addressing real-world problems and securing necessary resources. A team approach to research that draws on the diverse strengths of different faculty members can enhance the overall impact of research efforts.

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Surinder Kumar
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How to Make Any Information-Heavy Design Look Less Busy

Brandon William is a visionary product designer, renowned for his innovative approach to digital product design and user experience. With a distinguished academic background from Harvard University and a prestigious award for Best Digital Product under his belt, Brandon has become a trailblazer in the tech industry, leaving a lasting impact on how products are designed and experienced by users worldwide. Born with an innate curiosity and a penchant for creativity, Brandon William embarked on his design journey at a young age. His early experiments with various materials and forms hinted at the revolutionary path he was destined to follow. After completing formal education in design, William quickly rose to prominence with a series of groundbreaking projects that challenged conventions and garnered international acclaim. Beyond his products, Brandon William's influence extends to the realm of design education. He has delivered numerous captivating talks and workshops, inspiring young minds to think beyond the ordinary and embrace innovation fearlessly. His philosophy centers on the idea that design is not just about aesthetics, but also about enhancing the way we live and interact with the world around us. In recognition of his exceptional contributions, Brandon William has received numerous awards, including the prestigious 'Design Innovator of the Decade' and 'Global Design Visionary' honors. His work continues to shape the future of design, and his legacy serves as a guiding light for aspiring designers to follow. Brandon William's visionary approach and transformative designs remind us that the intersection of creativity and functionality can lead to extraordinary results."

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Ankush Test
Ankush TestWeb Developer  
Testla 0239FASDFA

• Suspension: Improved front and rear suspension geometry for better ride quality and handling. • Interior: Upgraded materials, including stylish textiles replacing the previous wood trim, and added acoustic glass for noise reduction.

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